Fire | EMS | Rescue

In the Community

In The Community

A Part of the Community

The members of the fire department, whether fire fighters, EMT, or on-scence support, are also full time teachers, lawyers,retired workers, mothers, and brothers. Multi-generational dedication to keeping the community safe and aware of fire preventative actions is what we pride ourselves on. The fire department offers up-to-date trainings for interior fire fighting, exterior support, responsibilities in the realm of first response capabilities, and other incident management roles. Once we respond to an emergency, it is our ultimate goal to keep society safe, to be approachable, and professional.

Back row: Dawn Ormsby, Heather DeZalia, Linda Hudson, Jodi Downs Front Row: Erin Pelkey, Kelly Hall, Stephani Tansey

Back row: Dawn Ormsby, Heather DeZalia, Linda Hudson, Jodi Downs Front Row: Erin Pelkey, Kelly Hall, Stephani Tansey

Secondary Support provides emergency support to on-scene firefighters and emergency responders. This includes food and water. They help victims understand what is happening, and to help them begin the recovery process. From a non-emergency stand point they help plan and execute activities for the firefighters. 

Members of Secondary Support and community members host annual Remembrance Run for families of 9/11 fallen First Responders.

Members of Secondary Support and community members host annual Remembrance Run for families of 9/11 fallen First Responders.


Our fire department fundraises in order to acquire resources necessary to help in emergency situations. Thanks to the community and donors, we have been able to update our emergency vehicles to support in multi-jurimdicial aid. Being a 100% volunteer department, as well as not-for-profit, we rely solely on the generosity of others!